Test Bank For Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience An Introduction to Biological Psychology 3rd Edition
True / False |
1. Joan has one APOE3 and one APOE4 allele. This means Joan is heterozygous for the APOE gene.​
2. Females are much more likely than males to develop conditions influenced by genes that are located on the X chromosome, because they have two X chromosomes instead of one and therefore twice as much opportunity to experience problems with genes on those chromosomes.​
3. Because the heritability of height is 81 percent, and the heritability of adult body mass index (BMI) is 59 percent, we can conclude that genetics play a stronger role in the development of height than BMI
4. Without contact with any other embryonic cells, a mesodermal cell will differentiate into skin.​
5. About two-thirds of the cells traveling to the developing cortex follow radial glia, and the remaining one-third move in a horizontal direction instead, without using radial glia to guide them.​
6. Myelination of the human spinal cord and brain begins about 24 weeks following conception and is complete by the age of about 18 months.
7. True or false? Critical periods occur in many animals, such as the imprinting observed in geese, but has not yet been observed in humans.​
8. True or false? Doctors recommend that those with phenylketonuria adhere to the dietary restrictions associated with this condition throughout their lifetimes.​
9. True or false? Healthy brain activity as we age appears to be quite independent of lifestyle, so there is little any of us can do to prevent declines in this area.​
10. True or false? The generation and maintenance of good brain health is less well understood than the mechanisms responsible for disease, especially among older adults.​
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