Test Bank for Medical Terminology 3rd Edition by Thierer
True / False Questions
- The system that maintains the proper amount of water in the body and removes waste products from the blood by excreting them in the urine is the urinary system.
True    False
- The organs that remove dissolved waste and other substances from the blood and urine are the kidneys.
True    False
- The kidneys serve only one function, to form urine for excretion.
True    False
- Kidneys are responsible for filtering about 1700 liters of blood in one day in the average adult.
True    False
- The tubes that connect each kidney to the urinary bladder are known as calices.
True    False
- The area of the bladder where the ureters enter and the urethra leaves the bladder is known as the trigone.
True    False
- The collecting area for urine in the center of the kidney is the medulla.
True    False
- Urinalysis is the examination of urine for its physical and chemical properties.
True    False
- The normal pH range of urine is from 1.0 to 3.5.
True    False
- The presence of the following substances in the urine may indicate diabetes: acetones, ketones, and glucose.
True    False
- An important test of kidney function is a cystoscopy.
True    False
- A retrograde pyelogram, or RP, is an x-ray of the kidney, bladder and ureters, taken after a cystoscope has been used to introduce a contrast medium.
True    False
- Bilirubin, a substance produced in the liver, is a normal substance found in healthy urine.
True    False
- A condom catheter is also known as a retention catheter.
True    False
- A urinary tract infection, or UTI, commonly refers to an infection in the bladder or the urethra.
True    False
- Stones that form from a buildup of solid material in the urinary system are usually found in the bladder.
True    False
- A cystolith is a stone that forms in the kidney.
True    False
- Incontinence refers to the involuntary discharge of urine or feces.
True    False
- End-stage renal disease, or ESRD, is a mild disease that does not require treatment.
True    False
- Atresia can refer to an abnormal narrowing of the ureters and urethra.
True    False
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